Jacco van Lith

Operations consultant & digital strategist with 10 years of experience in operational process optimization and organizational efficiency.

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The latest trends in recruitment marketing: what will work in 2024?

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The recruitment world is constantly changing, and 2024 promises to be no exception. HR professionals must adapt to new technologies, changing candidate expectations and innovative recruitment strategies to stay ahead of the competition. Below we discuss the most impactful trends in recruitment marketing for this year.

1. Personalization at scale

remains a crucial element in recruitment marketing, but in 2024 it will go beyond just a personalized salutation in an email. Using AI and machine learning, companies can now create in-depth candidate profiles and send highly targeted, customized recruitment messages. These technologies analyze data to understand candidate patterns and preferences, allowing recruiters to develop targeted campaigns that truly resonate with the individual needs and desires of potential candidates.

2. AI and automation

AI and automation continue to transform the recruitment industry. Tools like chatbots and automated screening software take over repetitive tasks, allowing recruiters to focus on strategic tasks like building relationships with candidates. According to a report from LinkedIn, 67% of recruiters are now using AI to improve their hiring process. These technologies not only help save time but also increase efficiency and accuracy in candidate selection.

3. Video marketing

Video marketing is becoming increasingly important in recruitment. Videos can be a powerful way to showcase company culture and work environment, and to present vacancies in an attractive and dynamic way. According to HubSpot, video content 1200% has more shared links than text and images combined. Companies that use video in their recruitment strategies see a significant increase in engagement and applications.

4. Data-driven recruitment

Data-driven recruitment remains a dominant trend. Recruiters use advanced analytics to gain insight into candidate behavior and preferences. By analyzing data, recruiters can make better decisions about where and how to post their vacancies to attract the best candidates. This includes using tools like Google Analytics to understand traffic sources, as well as advanced CRM systems to track and manage candidates.

5. Employer branding and candidate experience

In a competitive labor market, a strong employer brand is essential. Candidates want to work for companies that are transparent about their values and culture. This means organizations need to invest in their online presence and ensure their brand is presented consistently and authentically. In addition, the candidate experience is more important than ever. A positive interview experience can make the difference between attracting top talent and losing out to the competition. According to a Glassdoor survey, 77% of candidates are likely to not consider a company if they had a bad experience during the interview process.

6. Hybrid and remote working

The shift to hybrid and remote working remains an enduring trend. Candidates now expect flexibility in where and how they work. This means recruiters must adapt their approach to attract candidates who value flexibility. This includes emphasizing flexible work arrangements and offering tools and technologies that support remote work.


The recruitment marketing trends of 2024 are strongly focused on technology, personalization and an excellent candidate experience. By embracing these trends, HR professionals can not only attract the best talent, but also make their recruitment processes more efficient and effective. Stay up to date with the latest developments and be prepared to adapt your strategies to stay ahead in an ever-changing market.

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