Adviesloket Nederland

In collaboration with: TOP MARKETING

From fluctuating costs to optimized budget allocation.




Conversion rate


Cost per conversion

About Adviesloket Nederland

Adviesloket Nederland focuses on simplifying sustainability. They offer independent advice on making sustainable choices and implementing sustainable solutions for private individuals and companies.


Adviesloket Nederland had to deal with variable costs per lead from different marketing channels, without clear insight into the effectiveness of each channel.


An analysis was conducted to evaluate the costs and revenues of each marketing channel and campaign. Based on this data, an optimized budget allocation has been implemented. From there, campaigns and channels were revised.


The new strategy led to a significant reduction in costs per lead and an improvement in ROI, without sacrificing quality or reach.

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More cases

  • Vief

    A doubling in conversion via data-driven budget allocation.




    Conversion rate


    Cost per conversion

  • IWKA

    From a shortage to consistent new registrations.




    Conversion rate


    Cost per conversion