From a shortage to consistent new registrations.




Conversion rate


Cost per conversion

About IWKA

IWKA is an international organization with 13+ branches worldwide, with the main office in Amsterdam since 1997. IWKA offers its students methods for the development of mind, body & energy. The methods are rooted in Tai Chi and Wing Chun. IWKA also offers DVDs, books and video courses with simple, step-by-step instructions.


IWKA Amsterdam was faced with a shortage of new registrations and high costs per registration. In addition, there was no insight into the effectiveness of the current campaigns.


The effectiveness of campaigns has been evaluated. The budget allocation was subsequently restructured based on effectiveness. Where necessary, campaigns have been revised.


This approach has reduced costs per registration, increased the number of registrations and improved the quality of registrations.

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More cases

  • Vief

    A doubling in conversion via data-driven budget allocation.




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  • Adviesloket Nederland

    From fluctuating costs to optimized budget allocation.




    Conversion rate


    Cost per conversion