Recruitment Advertising

30+ qualified applicants for your open vacancy within 1 month

  • Rich choice: depending on the type of vacancy, we generate 30 – 100 applications in 1 month. Enough choice to find the best candidate.
  • Easy follow-up: through custom selection questions and follow-up automation, you only have to spend time on the most suitable applicants.
  • Clarity: Flexible cancellation, fixed monthly rate, great result guarantees (if we may say so ourselves) and no extra costs per match.

How does Recruitment Advertising work?

We believe that even in a tight labor market there is enough staff. They just work somewhere else…

With recruitment advertising we reach candidates who are ready for a new challenge, but are not yet actively browsing vacancies on Indeed.

These are good people who, for example, feel that their growth is stagnating in their current position, or people who feel undervalued for their contributions.

By rewriting your vacancy to suit the needs of this ideal candidate and showing it to many potential candidates via online advertising, we generate 30+ qualified applications in 1 month.

How do we work?

1. The grass is greener

We make the vacancy more attractive than other vacancies and even the current job. We rewrite using 17 essential factors and 14 secondary difference makers.

2. Digital marketing

We advertise the vacancy specifically through the major online channels. As a result, both active job seekers and talents who are looking for greener grass apply.

3. Matching

Our in-house tools help you find the perfect match from all applications and keep them involved within the company for a longer period of time.

With 30 to 100 applicants per month
do you have enough choice to finally fill that long-standing vacancy,
or continuously hire new people.

What to expect?

Required experience / level Expected number of applicants per month
Junior 100 applications per month
intermediate 60 applications per month
Senior 30 applications per month

How long does it take to hire someone?
Usually a vacancy is filled within 1 month, sometimes it takes a little longer.
In practice we see:

  • 71% of the vacancies will be filled within 1 month,
  • 17% of the vacancies will be filled within 2 months,
  • 12% of the vacancies will be filled within 3 months or more.


  • Comfy Solutions

    Vacancy(s): Production employees

    In 1 week

    Suitable candidates

  • Electro Zwijsen

    Vacancies: Electrician, Engineer & More


    Suitable candidates

  • IWKA Amsterdam

    Vacancy(s): Gym employees

    In 2 months

    Suitable candidates

Financial benefits

  • Flexible agreement
    You can cancel our services flexibly, because there is no point in continuing when the vacancy is filled. You only pay for work done.
  • Fixed all-in rate per month
    For our services we charge a fixed rate per month. This rate is an all-in price, based on the media budget for online advertising and a management fee.

    The rate depends on the type of vacancy; for example, a specific senior position requires a higher budget than a broad junior position.

  • No extra costs for a match
    Paying 2x a gross monthly salary when you hire someone? That is not necessary with us. Additional costs when you hire multiple people? That is also not necessary.

    However, we would appreciate it if you would refer us within your network.

Result guarantees

No quantity?

30+ applicants per month means applicants in the first week.

So no applicants come in the first week? We will then renew the entire approach and reimburse the media costs.

In other words: no applicants in the 1st week = no costs.

No quality?

Having lots of applicants to choose from is nice, but quality is just as important as quantity.

Therefore: Are there no candidates who meet the selection criteria in the first month? Then we will cancel our management fee until they do come in.

In other words: No suitable applicants in the first 30 days = we work for free.


Our collaboration is structured and agreed upon. Based on an introduction and the needs of the project, we determine:



Based on experience and a number of indicators, we determine whether recruitment advertising has a chance of success for your vacancy.


Green grass

We analyze the current vacancy and rewrite it where necessary to tailor it to the needs of the ideal candidate.



We advertise the renewed vacancy and you will automatically receive applicants in your inbox.

Time for (inter)action?

Let's get acquainted.

Scientific substantiation

Our methods are grounded in practice and scientific research:

  • Daniel, K. (2017). Thinking, fast and slow.
  • Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2012). Self-determination theory. Handbook of theories of social psychology, 1(20), 416-436.
  • Fried, Y., & Ferris, G. R. (1987). The validity of the job characteristics model: A review and meta‐analysis. Personnel Psychology, 40(2), 287-322.
  • R. Paul Battaglio, Nicola Belle & Paola Cantarelli (2022) Self-determination theory goes public: experimental evidence on the causal relationship between psychological needs and job satisfaction, Public Management Review, 24:9, 1411-1428, DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2021 .1900351
  • Kim, T.-Y., Schuh, SC and Cai, Y. (2020), Person or Job? Change in Person-Job Fit and Its Impact on Employee Work Attitudes over Time. J.Manage. Stud., 57: 287-313.
  • Tarigan, J., Susanto, ARS, Hatane, SE, Jie, F. and Foedjiawati, F. (2021), “Corporate social responsibility, job pursuit intention, quality of work life and employee performance: case study from Indonesia controversial industry” , Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 141-158.
  • Semeijn, JH, van der Heijden, BIJM and De Beuckelaer, A. (2020), Personality Traits and Types in Relation to Career Success: An Empirical Comparison Using the Big Five. Applied Psychology, 69: 538-556.
  • University of Arkansas. (2021, December 13). Personality traits predict performance differently across different jobs. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 13, 2023 from

Questions about our methods?

To recap

Have vacancies been open for weeks and is the staff and recruitment mailbox eerily quiet?

  • Let us optimize your job offer.
  • These advertise active and passive job seekers.

  • Give you the tools to select the right candidate.

  • And fill the vacancy within an average of 1 month.