Mitchel van Luit

Behavioral psychologist & digital strategist with 8 years of experience in digital marketing and strategy.

1 min


No one is queuing for this...

You probably see them every now and then, an interestingly written advertisement. One that really appeals to you, you're about to click.

But then: no comments

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An advertisement or post with 0 likes, 0 comments, 0 nothing.


How does this affect your belief that this is a good fit? Or ultimately a good buy?

Credibility decreases extremely, or not? 

You just feel like you're just a little extra on your guard. Because is what it says true if no one gives a like?

Don't think you're the only one, because your customers experience this too.

On social media, we are so used to seeing social proof on posts (the algorithm takes care of that), that we do not trust it if the social proof is missing.

Social proof has now become a requirement. 

So, what can you do? 

In addition to a conversion-oriented campaign, also run an engagement campaign on your advertisements. 

Such an engagement campaign focuses on the people within your targeting who are more likely to like or respond. 

If your post or ad is a bit interesting, you will get that like or comment from these people.

In this way you stimulate social proof. 

And don't worry, an engagement campaign is not expensive, provided your ad is worthy of engagement of course.

Something to think about.

(Of course we would like to think along with you ⬇️)

Key takeaways

  • A social advertisement or post without likes is extremely bad for the credibility of the message.
  • You can stimulate Social Proof by running an Engagement campaign on your posts and advertisements.

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